Here are some at home activities that are also F-U-N!
- Turn on the music
- Turn on your kids favorite music and start dancing. This is a great workout for kids and adults. You and your kids will have a blast while staying fit.
- Hula Hooping Fun
- Hula Hoop, Jump Rope, Hop on 1 foot...Fun contests to have that will keep them moving.
- Chores!
- Helping out around the house could mean vacuuming, dusting, picking up toys, or cleaning the windows. Doing a few of these can count as being active!!
- Excersizing Video Games
- These can be GREAT workouts for kids and adults. They will keep them moving, get their heart rate up, and they will be having too much fun to realize what a great workout they are getting.
Getting into IGM for Open Gym or one of our many gymnastics classes is another awesome and fun way to keep kids healthy.
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